Home golfweek Best (and worst) World Golf Hall of Fame plaques

Best (and worst) World Golf Hall of Fame plaques

by Curtis Jones

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. — It’s golf’s highest honor.

To be elected into the World Golf Hall of Fame is to be enshrined among the greatest. There have been only 176 men and women to be inducted in the Hall.

When the facility opened at World Golf Village in 1998, the members were commemorated with crystals but they were mounted in the floor and took up too much space for special events. So, the crystals were removed and bronze plaques replaced them. Some are better than others. According to the Florida Times Union, the plaques will not be relocated to Pinehurst, N.C., where the Hall will take up residency again in 2024.

Some of the plaques, it really helps to have the name written below it because the resemblance is minimal at best. See if you can name the Hall member.

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