In a post on his Telegram channel, the anti-war candidate said, “It will be very difficult for the CEC and the current authorities to say, ‘I didn’t even notice the …
Ex-Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan sentenced to 14 years for corruption
by Curtis Jonesby Curtis JonesFormer Prime Minister Imran Khan, right, and Bushra Bibi, his wife, address the media in Lahore, Pakistan, on July 17, 2023. | K.M. Chaudary/AP By Associated Press 01/31/2024 12:57 AM …
‘Whatever America decides,’ Europe must back Ukraine – POLITICO
by Curtis Jonesby Curtis JonesMacron’s comments come as European nations grapple with the looming consequences of Donald Trump’s potential return to the White House, with the NATO-skeptic ex-president on track to win the Republican …
UK considering recognizing Palestinian state, says David Cameron – POLITICO
by Curtis Jonesby Curtis Jones“As that happens, we, with allies, will look at the issue of recognizing a Palestinian state, including at the United Nations,” he added. “This could be one of the things …
Ukraine hopes to avoid economic doomsday of not getting Western financial aid – POLITICO
by Curtis Jonesby Curtis JonesKyiv currently uses what money it can raise domestically to run its own arms industry, pay its soldiers and other security personnel, and protect pensioners and the internally displaced. Western …
Macron flirts with EU-bashing in wink to French farmers – POLITICO
by Curtis Jonesby Curtis JonesLast week the country’s agriculture minister, Marc Fesneau, called for “a form of agricultural patriotism,” stressing this should not be seen as “a bad word.” Prime Minister Gabriel Attal had …
French farmers prepare for long showdown as they launch ‘siege of Paris’ – POLITICO
by Curtis Jonesby Curtis JonesThese included a U-turn on the taxation of diesel fuel used by tractors which had been agreed on a few months ago and a pledge to speed up the disbursement …
“When you target the sitting president of the United States, you’re targeting the office and when you’re targeting the office of the president of the United States, you’re targeting democracy …
Putin challenger says 'miracles' are helping him upstage Russian leader
by Curtis Jonesby Curtis Jones“What I’m doing now, God supports it,” Boris Nadezhdin told POLITICO.
Despite the IOC’s ultimate recommendation to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to participate in Paris as neutrals — that is, without a national flag or anthem — the International Gymnastics …