Want better contact? Stop making this ‘huge mistake’

by Curtis Jones

GOLF Top 100 Teacher Kevin Sprecher says too many amateurs use their trail arm wrong in the golf swing. Here’s what to do instead.


There are so many important elements of the golf swing, but one of the most critical ones is where the trail arm is both in the backswing and coming down through impact.

For instance, if the trail arm in the golf swing is too far behind, you get “stuck” and usually hook the ball. When the trail arm is too far in front, it leads to a more over-the-top swing, resulting in a slice.

One common “cure” for this is the belief that you need to tuck that trail arm against your side during your takeaway and in the downswing. For many amateurs, this is to help them keep the club on plane in order to make center-face contact.

But GOLF Top 100 Teacher Kevin Sprecher says it’s time to ditch this myth once and for all and explains what to do instead. Check out the video below.

Where the trail arm in the golf swing should be

We’re all guilty of taking golf advice from our buddies — especially mid-round when we’re not having the best ball-striking day. So, somewhere along the way, most of us probably started tucking the trail arm close to the body, which, as mentioned, is supposed to help keep the clubhead behind the hands in order to make better contact.

But Sprecher says this is a “huge mistake” that he sees from a lot of his students.

“They’re trying to keep their [trail] arm against the [trail] side in the backswing,” Sprecher says. “Or they’re trying to keep it [in that same position] as they’re coming down to impact.”

Instead, Sprecher says the trail arm should be more fluid during the takeaway and backswing, which helps increase your chances of getting more speed.

“Your [trail arm] needs to float in the backswing a little bit, and it needs to separate from your [trail side] a little if you want to generate any power. If you keep your [trail] arm against your [trail] side too much, you tend to get the club inside,” Sprecher says. “It’s also hard to release it when you get it against [your trail side] too much.”

GOLF Teacher to Watch Rick Silva explains the importance of both the lead arm vs. the trail arm through impact during the golf swing

Breaking down the lead arm vs. the trail arm in the golf swing


Rick Silva, GOLF ‘Teacher to Watch’

While he does admit the trail arm gets near the trail side, Sprecher thinks it should happen naturally based off your swing movement and sequencing, not due to a preconceived notion that it has to be in that exact spot.

“Yes, the [trail] arm gets close to the [trail] side in the swing, but it’s a function of your movement,” he says. “If I wanted to throw this club and throw it far, I’m going to get my [trail] arm [higher up in the backswing] so that there’s separation. Then I can get more narrow on the downswing to generate some power.”

Sprecher suggests ditching the idea of tucking your trail arm and recommends taking some swings to release your natural athleticism, which will then determine the trail arm’s proper location during your swing sequence.

“If I keep it [tucked] going back, I can’t generate any power, and I tend to do the opposite by throwing it [out-to-in],” he adds. “So I don’t think it’s a good idea to [tuck the trail arm against your trail side]. Instead, do some practice swings, split your hands apart on the club, and see where your [trail] arm gets to. Your body will tell you where it should be, and if you have proper sequencing coming down, it’ll do the right thing.”

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Rukket Sports Pathfinder Impact Mat™


Are you looking for a golf training mat to help your golf game? The Rukket Pathfinder Impact Mat™ was designed with input from professional golfers and golf teachers to help players of all abilities improve their game. The strike mat tracks club face alignment and helps ensure clean contact with the ball while the foam pylons can be used to keep your swing on plane. Use all four pylons to practice hitting straighter shots or remove pylons to practice hitting draw or fade shots. It’s the most versatile golf swing practice mat available and works with every club in your bag!

2-in-1 golf swing training mat combining the features of an impact mat / strike mat and a swing path trainer to help golfers quickly identify and correct common swing problems like hooks and slices.
It’s a golf swing impact / strike mat to help identify and correct club face alignment. Use the “velvet” turf to ensure you’re making clean contact with the ball.
It’s also a golf swing training aid to help with swing plane alignment. Use it to fix a slice or a hook, and to practice hitting draw and fade shots.

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(1) Rukket Pathfinder Impact Mat™
(4) Foam Pylons
(1) Instruction Booklet

Product Specs
25in x 13in x 0.8in
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nick dimengo golf instruction editor

Nick Dimengo

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